~ Celebrating 50 Years ~
50 years v3


Supporting the Health & Prosperity of Biscayne Bay.

Protecting Miami-Dade's Most Outstanding Natural Resources.

The Friends of Biscayne Bay (FOBB) is a non-profit citizen support organization that focuses on supporting the health and prosperity of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves (BBAP).

The BBAP was established in 1974 and runs the length of Biscayne Bay proper, from the headwaters of the Oleta River down to Card Sound near Key Largo and encompasses roughly 64,607 submerged acres.

For the last 20 years, FOBB has been supporting all the programs of the CAMA office by advocating for and educating the public about the importance of the Bay and has worked to prevent the dredging and filling of the bay bottom and protect it from over development.

The FOBB board is made up of some of the best experts, including Bruce Matheson as president, Laura Reynolds as vice president, and advisors Leigh Buckner, Pamela Sweeney, Laura Eldredge, Paul J. Schwiep, Steve Leidner, Gary Milano, and Charles Munroe.

Biscayne Bay and its adjoining waters are among Miami-Dade’s most outstanding natural resources

Florida has the most ecologically diverse seagrass meadows in the U.S. lush seagrass beds in the Bay provide hiding places as well as food for a vast array of sea life.

This area is a favorite destination for recreational pursuits such as fishing, boating, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming, and diving.

Water-based tourism and recreation are major sources of revenue, jobs, and income for the Miami area. Unfortunately, the Bay’s health has been steadily declining, with more than 20 square miles of seagrass dying since 2005.

The die-off of seagrasses presents a major threat to the ecosystem as well as to the many fisheries and jobs that depend on them.

Additionally, harmful stormwater runoff has affected seagrass areas of Biscayne Bay and there is an ongoing $3 million effort to remediate this.

In light of the recent fish kill, seagrass die-offs, and algal bloom incidents, it is clear that our work is needed now more than ever to highlight the issues facing Biscayne Bay and to keep the pressure on to demand meaningful action from the County.

FIU Biscayne Bay Workshops Flyer (9)